Thursday, November 29, 2007

Post of the Day

Game of the day... The Sparty's pulled off a big win yesterday. That was nice after the way we've struggled a little so far. Don't worry Wolfpack fans, NC State's a good team... we were just "on" last night, and besides, the Breslin Center is a tough place to play :-) You'll have a chance for revenge next week when the Red Wings play the Carolina Hurricanes, but that's at "The Joe", so we just might pull off the two sport sweep ;-)

Complaint of the day... Sage Software has the worst support web site EVER! I know it's for pretty specialized software, so it doesn't affect the general public... but do I really need to select the program I'm working with FOUR TIMES before I get to the right screen?!?!?!

Article of the day... I found a news report on Yahoo about a guy in South Carolina who tried to open a bank account and make a deposit with a $1,000,000 bill. Brilliant. Does this fall into the redneck category, or the complete idiot category? I bet those bank employees had an entertaining day at his expense. He did make the bill look kinda realistic at least.;_ylt=Au3GBL8LSffivvGKsFTfaqrtiBIF

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