Monday, December 17, 2007

Weekend Ramblings...

I Am Legend

I saw it over the weekend. I'll start by saying that I liked it... however, it wasn't as good as I was hoping for. I guess I kinda have my own rating scale...

All Timers - These are my all time favorites... classics in my own little convoluted world
Really Like - Movies that I will buy and watch over and over again
Good - Movies that I might watch again if they are on, but not worth adding to my collection
OK - Movies that were entertaining at the time, but didn't make any type of lasting impression on me
Nothing Special - Just that... not bad, just nothing special
Ugh - A waste of time
Sucked - Self explanatory

This one lands in the "Good" category for me. I'm not gonna try to explain how or why it's in this category for me, it just is. I have a tough enough time trying to rationalize emotional responses, so I'm not gonna even waste my time with it here. I will say that I felt it could have been rated R, even though none of the violence was all that graphic. I'm sure I'm just a little over-protective of my Peanut, but I felt kinda bad when I had to remind her that it was all just a movie, and not real. I like to be able to discuss and rationalize things with her in a little more depth than that, but with a few scenes that was about all I could really do.

Found money

A home owner found $182,000 hidden inside the walls of their house a few days ago...

$182,000... I found 72 cents in the parking lot at the movies and thought I was doing pretty good ;-)...

I'm not sure why the contractor thinks he's entitled to the money, or why the Ohio "finders keepers" law would apply here. The person that owns the house owns everything inside the house, don't they? If a painter is painting a house, and finds a ring or wallet under a couch that they moved, are they entitled to keep it? That doesn't make much sense to me...

Danger: Avoid Death

Our legal system sure is screwed up. Nothing like having to legislate common sense, and hold manufacturers responsible for consumer stupidity. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for making sure manufacturers be held responsible for the safety of their products, but there has to be some limit to the level of stupidity that has to be taken in to account from the public. I guess "Danger: Avoid Death" are always good words of wisdom though...


8" of snow this weekend... Yay!!! That's also 8" of snow to shovel :-(... Now my body is telling me I should have kept working out a little harder after softball season ended, hehehe... I'm such a slug ;-)

PS... Notice I'm not even acknowledging that the Lions played this weekend... When does spring training start, anyways???

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