Thursday, December 6, 2007

Driver's Education

Here's a few driving tips for all of those inconsiderate people on the road while I'm on my way to and from work every day...
  • When the stoplight turns green, that means GO... don't sit and admire the pretty shiny green light
  • When there is no one behind me, don't wait until the last second to pull out in front of me and then drive 10 mph below the speed limit... ESPECIALLY in a no-passing zone!!!
  • In a parking lot, park BETWEEN the lines. If you can't maneuver your vehicle between the lines, either your vehicle is too big for you, or you just shouldn't be driving
  • If you are driving in the fast lane, you have an obligation to drive faster than the people in the slow lane... otherwise, just GET IN THE SLOW LANE AND GET OUT OF THE WAY!
  • Don't drive in my blind spot. Get past me or get behind me already.

Sorry... just had to vent for a minute there ;-)

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