Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Redneck Retaliation

Since my parents are so keen on sharing their redneck thoughts with me, I came up with a few of my own for them. I know they don't read this, but I'll let them know about it later ;-)...

A few I came up with...

You might be a redneck if...
  • Your cars are covered with cat paw prints
  • During hunting season anyone has ever said "Open the window so I can get a clear shot"
  • Raccoons think your back porch is their playground
  • The mailman wont come down your road during the spring thaw
  • Any part of your car is held together with duct tape (Ok, I've been guilty of this one too)
  • You have to honk your horn before you start the car to scare out all of the animals
And a few from Jeff Foxworthy...
  • Your favorite beer company can't afford to advertise
  • Directions to your house include "Turn off the paved road"
  • You've ever found a car after mowing your lawn
  • Getting a package from your post office requires a full tank of gas in the truck.
And oh yes... a couple for my sister as well...
  • You've ever killed a duck(venomous or otherwise) with your cooking
  • You've ever driven your baby sitter to the store

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