Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More Random Randomness

Temperature yesterday, 50 degrees. Temperature today, 5 degrees, -15 wind chill. Like the cliche goes... Michigan weather... if you don't like it, wait for a few minutes... and you still probably won't like it.

Johan Santana to the Mets... YAY!!! He's out of the Tigers division and even out of the American League. All the better for us :-) Now if we can just manage to keep Brandon Inge happy, things will be looking good for the Tig's

I saw Untraceable a few days ago. It reminded me of a movie version of an episode of CSI or NCIS or something like that. It was ok, not one I would add to my collection though. There's my movie review for the day.

Speaking of TV shows, House was new last night, and it was good, but what's up with it being new and a Christmas show at the end of January? Fox's December scheduling must have gotten messed up a little I'm guessing.

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