Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Couple Of Random Pointless Questions

1. Super Bowl Saturday

Why isn't the Super Bowl on Saturday? Is it such a big deal that the game has to be on Sunday? If it was on Saturday night, people could stay out at Super Bowl parties all night and not worry about having to get up early and going to work hung over. I bet they are just afraid to mess with a formula that has been working, but I doubt it would hurt the Super Bowl's popularity or ratings if it was held on Saturday.

2. Hello, Newman

Why didn't Newman get a his own show after Seinfeld went off the air? Am I the only on that thinks it would have been a good spin-off? In fact, what ever happened to the spin-off in general? (Besides "Joey", but I was never much for "Friends" anyways). Maybe someday I'll hop into Mr.Peabody's Wayback machine and look at all the cool spin-offs from the 70's and 80's.

Ok, that's enough pointless stupidity... for now, anyways

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