Friday, February 8, 2008

I'd never be smarter than a 5th grader...

I need to figure out how I can be a contestant on the show "5th Grader." For the record, I'd be a millionaire right now... I even got the Chuck Yeager question. However, in reality, I actually wouldn't be a millionaire right now, I'd have a half a mil, and I would have announced to the world that I'm not smarter than a 5th grader (which I'm sure is glaringly obvious anyways). I'd never bet that $500,000 without knowing the question... no matter what the subject was. For anyone that hasn't seen the show, contestants can walk away with their winnings at any time until they get to the million dollar question. Once they get to that question, they have to decide if they want to go for it before they see the question. All they get to see is the subject area the question will be in. Last night, the subject was US History, and the woman on the show felt that she knew that subject really well, so she went for it. The question was: Who was the first American to break the sound barrier. You could see this woman go pale and then turn green as she became nauseas because she realized the colossal mistake she made. At first I felt sorry for her... but only for a minute. Isn't there some "Bird in the hand" cliche that comes to mind here?

On a much more serious note...

My heart goes out to everyone affected by the tornadoes that went through the south... For everyone else that is safe and sound, be thankful, and give your children an extra hug tonight.

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