Thursday, July 26, 2007

Top 10 (or so) TV Action Heroes From The Good Old Days

My last rave about The Six Million Dollar Man on DVD got me thinking... What's happened to TV? We only had three channels to choose from when I was growing up, and that was if we could get the rabbit ears adjusted correctly. A lot of the shows we watched may have been corny, but they were fun. Who wants reality?... I have to deal with reality all day long.

So, since everyone seems to like a good top 10 list, I'll throw out one of my own. Hey programming exec's, take note... we could use a few heroes like these every once in a while...

Top 10 (or so) TV Action Heroes From The Good Old Days

15. Ralph Hinkley, The Greatest American Hero (William Katt)
A school teacher turned super hero with the help of a magical suit given to him by aliens. Clumsy and quirky, but still kinda cool. The best part of the show is actually the theme song by Joey Scarbury. I can still hear George Costanza singing it on his answering machine.

14. Colt Seavers, The Fall Guy (Lee Majors)
Who wouldn't want to be a stunt man and bounty hunter... come on.

13. B.J. McKay, B.J. and the Bear (Greg Evigan)
What a cool role model... a trucker with a monkey. I had my sights set high back then.

12. Captain Caveman, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels (Voiced by Mel Blanc)
A super crime fighter with a cool, ass-kickin', high flyin' club, and just about anything you could ever want hidden in his hair. And besides, he had his own little band of hotties... this guy was a stud.

11. B.A. Baracus, The A-Team (Mr. T)
"Sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit"... Good life lesson here kids, the system doesn't work, so always take matters into your own hands. Sure, B.A. wouldn't fly, and Murdock drove him crazy... but so what? The guy knew how to take care of business. By the way, Mr. T got his break in 1982 in what now would be considered a reality show ..."The World's Toughest Bouncer". Anyone remember that one? Not a bad career for Clubber Lang.

10. Apollo, Battlestar Galactica (Richard Hatch)
Killing Cylons and searching for earth with the "rag-tag fugitive fleet". This guy was the responsible, level headed Viper starfighter pilot... the one all of the kids were supposed to look up to (Don't worry, we'll get to the fun one later). Was this a rip off of Star Wars? Of course, but who cared? The best ideas are always the ones stolen from someone else anyways, right Mr. Gates? Besides, the Cylons were sweet with that scanning light for an eye.

9. Hong Kong Phooey, Hong Kong Phooey (Voiced by Scatman Crothers)
This guy was a bumbling fool yet always thought he had everything completely under control. Thanks to his cat Spot he always got the job done. If only we could all live in that happy little world, while our friends continually bailed us out of trouble. Hey, wait.... I know a few people like that.

8. Jaime Sommers, The Bionic Woman and The Six Million Dollar Man (Lindsey Wagner)
Sweet, wholesome, charming...... and she could KICK YOUR ASS! Hmmm....I think I need to go buy a Select Comfort Bed.

7. Hannibal Smith, The A-Team (George Peppard)
So what if I have two members of the A-Team on the list? I should have all four here. The show was a classic. I have never seen so many gunshots and explosions without anyone ever getting hurt. Hannibal was smooth, and was there ever any doubt that his plans would always come together?

6. Starbuck, Battlestar Galactica (Dirk Benedict)
Starbuck was the smoking, drinking, gambling, partying, fun loving pilot that knew how to live. Pretty smooth with the ladies, too. Dirk also gets bonus points for being the Faceman on the A-Team. Shout out to Murdock... You should be on the list too, but I'm too lazy to make it any bigger.

5. Bo & Luke Duke, The Dukes of Hazzard (John Schneider and Tom Wopat)
Isn't it great when the cops are the bad guys, while the local unemployed farm boys took care of the whole county. Cooter must have been one hell of a mechanic (Did they really call him Cooter???), or else that was one tough Charger. It's estimated that they used 309 General Lee's during the run of the show. By the way, why didn't someone explain to all of those 10 year old kids back then that they were taking racist lunch boxes to school every day?

4. Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman (Lyndia Carter)
Welcome to puberty. What, did bad guys or something? I really didn't notice.

3. Batman, Batman (Adam West)
Batman went off the air before I was even born, but thankfully the reruns stayed on long enough for me to become addicted. He had all the cool toys... The mansion, the Batmobile, the Bat Boat, the Bat Copter... And what I wouldn't give even today to have my own Bat Cave.

2. Steve Austin, The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman (Lee Majors)
I had all action figures. Steve had a magnifying glass for an eye. Oscar Goldman had an exploding briefcase. Bigfoot's chest plate would pop off when he was punched. When these guys combined forces with G.I. Joe, Action Jackson, and the Johnny West gang they were unstoppable. My sister's Ken dolls got their asses kicked so often they were afraid to leave their Dreamhouse.

1. Arthur Fonzarelli, Happy Days (Henry Winkler)
I know, Happy Days wasn't an action show. The Fonz transcends all boundaries, though. Come on, haven't you ever smacked the wall just to see if you could get the light to turn on?

Even today the Fonz is the defining standard for coolness...
"Good Lord, I'm getting a reading of over forty Megafonzies!"... Professor Farnsworth

Man I miss these shows.... We have 2000 channels to pick from today, and almost all of it is a bunch of crap. What time does Riptide come on, anyways?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Come On Already!!!

Why in the HELL haven't The Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman DVD's been released in the U.S. yet?????????????????

By the way, did you know that the first appearance of Bigfoot on the show was played by Andre the Giant?

Friday, July 13, 2007

What'chu talkin' 'bout Willis????

A few days ago, I saw my favorite 70’s child star actor Gary Coleman on TV pitching a website called ( This appears to be a website offering unsecured personal loans. Now I’m not a banker or financial wizard of any type, but from what I can tell, this means that they will loan a person money without any collateral, such as a house or car or other item. When I see commercials like this I usually try to take a quick peek at the fine print, just because I know they don’t want me looking at it. Well, in this particular ad I could have sworn the fine print stated something about a 99% interest rate. The information wasn’t displayed very long, and it was printed awfully small, so my first thought was that I had seen it incorrectly. Of course, at that point I became curious. I know home and car loan interest rates have been creeping up, but I figured they are still in the 6% to 8% range. Credit cards are known to have pretty high interest rates, and I’ve seen them as high as 29%. So I figured that callcash’s rates would be comparable to this rate considering that these types of loans probably have a lot of risk involved for the lender. Still, I must have read that wrong…99%???? It was time to check out their website.

Here is the link to their rates page:

As it turns out, my eyesight is still pretty good. Using Michigan as an example, here are the published rates…

Loan Product-Interest Rate--APR---# Payments--Payment Amt

$5,075 Loan....... 59%......59.95% ....... 84 .........$254.03

$2,600 Loan....... 96%..... 99.25% ....... 42 ..........$216.55

$1,075 Loan....... 89%..... 96.78% ....... 42 ..........$83.89

Hmmm…. Let’s think about this for a minute. For a $2600 loan:

42 payments X $216.55 per payment = $9095.10


Am I missing something here? Again, I’m not a banker, or a lawyer, and I certainly don’t try to play one on TV (or the internet), but isn’t there some sort of legal limit on interest rates? If anyone knows the legal loophole, please let me know because I’m curious. I mean, hey, I can scrape together $2600 to loan if I knew I’d get back nine grand after 3 ½ years.

I have been lucky and very thankful for the fact that I have never been in a position where I needed a cash advance or short term loan such as this. If there is ever a point that I need to, I’m sure I’d find some sort of alternative. Apparently there must be someone taking out these loans, otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford to pay top notch stars like Gary Coleman.

Let the buyer, or in this case the borrower, beware.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Excel Tip... Alternate Row Shading

More tech stuff… God I need to get a life.

There are a lot of powerful computer programs that can be very frustrating to use. It seems that software companies expect everyone to become an expert with their program. Don’t they know that there are a lot of people that just want to be able to use the program without having to get a degree in technology? Here is an Excel tip that may make life a little easier.

Have you ever been working with a sheet in Excel and thought how nice it would be if the lines in the sheet could alternate shading between and white and gray? You know, just to make it a little easier to read. Sure you can fill the cells in yourself, but when you add a line, everything is out of whack and you have to redo the whole thing. And if the sheet is more than a page, well… just forget about it.

There is an easier way to do this using the conditional formatting option. Let’s go through a simple example…

Start by getting your data entered into the spreadsheet and formatted…

Next, select the area where you want the alternating lines to appear…

By the way, if you want the entire sheet to have this alternating effect, click the empty cell heading between Row 1 and Column A. This will select all of the cells in the entire sheet…

Now, click on the Format Menu pull down, and select Conditional Formatting…

Set Condition 1 so that Formula Is = MOD(ROW(),2)=1

This basically tells Excel to get the row number and divide it by 2… If there is a remainder after doing the division, that is an odd numbered row and it is shaded. Otherwise Excel leaves it unshaded.

To actually set the shading color, click the Format… Button

Pick the Patterns tab, and then select your fill color (I usually just select Gray)

Your conditional formatting box will look like this…

For this example I decided to highlight only the rows in the table, not the entire sheet. The final result will look like this…

Now you can add rows within the table, and everything will automatically highlight.

By the way, once you have used conditional formatting in a cell, you can copy and paste that format anywhere you want. Select a formatted cell, then copy. Next select the cell needing the format applied to it, and select Paste Special… from the Edit pull down menu (you HAVE to do it this way… the Enter key or Control-V won’t work). In the Paste Special box, click the dot next to Formats

Then click OK. The conditional formatting (and any other formatting applied to the original cell) is now applied to the destination cell. You can even do that to a whole range of cells.

See... didn't Microsoft make that nice and easy?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Nice Freebies

Ok, another boring tech entry... but hey, maybe it will be useful to someone...somewhere... Oh who am I kidding, no one is reading this.

Anyways, I like free stuff. But when it comes to computer programs, I am usually pretty conservative when using free software. I am always suspicious that there is something nasty hidden inside that great free application. However, there are a few programs which I really like, and they actually are free and safe. Most, if not all of these are free for personal use, not corporate use. Be sure to check the details of each program before you use it.

If there’s a free application that you just can’t live without, let me know. Maybe we can add it to this list.

Audacity is a nice, fairly powerful yet easy to use audio editing program. It can be used to record, edit, and manipulate a wide range of audio files.

Get it… use it… leave Internet Explorer alone

A very nice alternative to Photoshop

Anti-Virus software from Grisoft. Includes regular free virus signature updates, which is very nice.

A nice and fairly effective Anti-Spyware software from Lavasoft.

Google Sketchup
Fairly powerful yet relatively easy to use three dimensional sketching program from Google.

Zone Alarm
A nice software firewall with many more features than Microsoft’s built in Firewall,7228-order,1-page,1-c,firewalls/description.html

Young and Alive... Millsers in the 80's

Life was so simple...
  • Drinking all night by the bonfire, Hank Jr and Alabama keeping us company
  • Jumping over the bonfire
  • Waking up in the ditch, with scorched shoes
  • Cruising McDonalds parking lot... in third gear
  • Seeing just how deep into the woods we could get that truck by making our own trail
  • Riding in the Chevelle, with the soundtrack to Christine blasting
  • Beer can be used as brake fluid, in a pinch
  • Finding someone with cable, or a NASA sized satellite dish
  • Hitting every graduation party we could find...and staying all night
  • Sleeping til noon
  • Taking bets on who would be next to lose their job
  • The biggest fear of getting pulled over was that the cops would take our beer
  • Getting shot at, twice in one night
  • Hiding the cars from the cops, and doing a good job of it
  • Signing the contract, and then asking for someone to buy for us right afterwards
  • Camping at the fair, with the strobe light tent
  • Hot tents filled with beer soaked moving blankets mixed with Hai Karate... enough said
  • Having more people at our tent than were out on the midway
  • Getting kicked out of the fair
  • Fishing and drinking all day...then playing ball that night
  • Free pizza after the games
  • Watching Strange Brew over and over, and thinking that it’s not just for Canadians
  • Full contact tackle football, with no pads
  • Full contact tackle hacky sack, with no pads
  • Redneck Croquet
  • John Cougar, Night Ranger, Huey Lewis, Van Halen...
  • Not realizing that The Boss' "Glory Days" would be so prophetic
  • Casey Kasem's sappy long distance dedications
  • Aloha, Mr. Hand.... Spicoli rules

"Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then" - Bob Seger

Those were great times... a different world... so far away. I wouldn't have missed it, but I wish I had known the ending before it began...

Life happens... and it can follow a strange course... Make the best of it. Cherish the memories, old and new. Hopefully someday it will all make sense.

Someday this will be the great American novel that I write... or at least a really good "B" movie

Definition: Millser

Monday, July 9, 2007

You sunk my....heat sink

OK, work related, tech related... very boring stuff, but maybe useful to someone, somewhere

In the fall of 2004 we bought 20 Dell Optiplex GX280 PC's (Wow, has it really been almost 3 years now?). Other than an initial hard drive issue, they have worked relatively well. This morning, however, one of the PC's was running sluggish, and the processor fan was as loud as a 747 during take-off. This is actually the third computer in this batch which has had this problem. Since I've been through this process a couple times before, the solution was fairly simple. However, the first time this happened, it took several calls to Dell tech support, and a couple of different replacement parts sent before we actually pinned the problem down.

For some reason, don't ask me why, the cause of this problem is the processor heat sink. Luckily I now have one of these computers currently unused, so I can swap parts out to troubleshoot. I've also been lucky enough to find a support technician at Dell that agrees with this diagnosis without making me jump through too many hoops.

So, if you are having a similar problem, most likely the cause is not the processor, processor fan, motherboard, power supply, or even the fact that you use the computer as a foot rest. If you can convince Tech Support to start with the heat sink, you will probably save yourself a lot of time. Oh, and be sure to tell them you will need a few extra tubes of thermal grease... and don't forget to use it.

Remember... I'm the first to admit that I don't know much about anything. If you find something that I got wrong, or some different way of thinking of things, please let me know.

About Me

I'm a lost soul... a dreamer... a thinker... trapped in the pigeon hole of a very conventional life. I have wandered down this course because I always seem to take on the tasks that no one else can do, or wants to do. One of my self inflicted struggles comes from the fact that I am typically successful at most everything I attempt. This fact has resulted in another character flaw; a schizophrenic tendency. As a result, I still haven't decided what I want to do when I grow up... and I'm trying to avoid growing up at all costs. In reality however, that is something I probably should have done 20 years ago. But dammit, I'm gonna hold onto it as long as I can.

I was born in the 60's, and I'm a child of the 80's. I slacked too much in high school, and I worked too hard in college. I haven't taken enough time to smell the flowers, and I'm getting old enough to realize some regret because of it. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I actually know. I don't know if I was meant for such a conventional life, but I've always done what was expected of me. So that sums up in a nutshell the disjointed nature that will be apparent in this blog. Please bear with me while I sort all of this out.

Some of my entries will be technical, because that's what I've convinced everyone I do (for now, anyways). I run an Information Technology department at a small company. Well actually I am the Information Technology department... It just sounds better when people think you have some clout. A good majority of what I do is not technology related... I usually work on problems other people need help figuring out, regardless of the topic. As a result, I know a lot about all the different areas of the company. I’m a "Jack of all trades" in effect, which makes things very interesting, and frustrating at the same time. At least I always have something new to deal with on a daily basis.

As long as I don't get bored and move on to something else, I will use this blog to talk about fun things, useful things, pointless things, and maybe philosophize once in a while. Besides, no one will read it but me, so if nothing else, it will be a cheap form of therapy. If you do happen to stumble across this garbled disaster of words and have any thoughts, please leave me a comment. I'd love to know if there is anyone else that connects to anything I have to say.


I warned you...

I still haven't thought of anything to say...

Friday, July 6, 2007

Let's kick this off

Be patient with me while I set this up. I may actually have something useful to say at some point... but I wouldn't count on it.